Here's the birthday boy!!
MmmMMMMmmmMMMMmmm sprinkles are my favorite!!!
Me with the birthday boy
We've had so much fun with Nash during his second birthday week. Maeme and G have been here visiting, so there's been a lot of activity and shopping by everyone. We've also taken out his baby journal and spent some time reminiscing and filling in the blanks, laughing over "Nashisms" and amazed at how much he's grown and what a fantastic, loveable little guy he is. All of Nash's friends came over Thursday morning for a little cupcake decorating birthday party, which involved dinosaur shaped rice crispy treats and party hats, a lot of playing with new toys, and a lot of sprinkles! Some kids were too little for cupcakes, some gobbled them up in 30 seconds and some took a little longer. Nash's preference was to pour as many sprinkles on top as he could (for about 20 minutes) take 3 bites, and feed the rest to Mommy. In other news, Nash is a huge fan of Chipotle and I split a burrito with him yesterday. He loved holding it himself, and did a pretty good job on it.
Margot's also having the best week ever. She's got lots of people to make faces and smile at her, and that's pretty much all she needs to stay happy. She is so interactive and talks all the time. We are letting her practice sitting in the Bumbo seat to get her ready for rice cereal. She needs to build up to it a little bit, she's not quite ready for a feeding session. She's sleeping about an 8.5 hour stretch at night, then going back to sleep again for another few hours. In taking out the baby journals this week, I realize I have a little work to do on hers. Blogs are so great for going back and remembering accomplishments and feelings and makes me so glad we have been keeping this record. So in comparing the blogs, for anyone who might be wondering, Margot's hair looks exactly like Nash's when he was her age. The color might be slightly different, but the length is exact. So we might have another baby with a full head of hair.
So next weekend Uncle Eric and Aunt Lizzie are visiting- first trip to St. Louis and first time to see the little lady. We can't wait to have them here!
thanks for the shout out -- looking forward to seeing all of you and meeting Margot!
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