For what seemed like forever, Margot's favorite things were whatever Nash's favorite things were. A month or two ago, that started to change and Margot has her faves now too! They are: Olivia the pig, Elmo, Hello Kitty, and Minnie Mouse! What great things for a girl to love! She's also becoming quite a stacker. And after she's done something funny, she says, "look what Emmy doing!" or "silly Emmy!" or "Good job! Look Mommy! Good job!" and, of course, it's so cute.
Since I last posted we've had Grammy visit from Florida, we've taken another trip to VA, Nashy's started school, (I've started a diet), we went to our first Cardinals game, and we've endured day after day of scorching heat... and more! As Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
Yesterday Nashy was in trouble and we asked him to go to time out. He was moving slow and Margot said to him, while pointing, "Go, Nashy! Now!" And Ray and I muffled our laughter and told her "Thank you Emmy, that's enough."
Some more highlights:
-Margot thinks she's hilarious. She climbs stairs. Throws herself off the couch. Throws the ball into the street. Do you see a pattern? These are things her parents do not think are hilarious.
-Margot also gets away with these things without us being too mad because she's so darn cute. And when she knows she's been bad she puts herself in time out.
-Nash and Margot are both obsessed with Dots. Are you aware of dots? If not, RUN to the store and get some. And a Dot book.
-The kids love the books by Leslie Patricelli No No Yes Yes, Big Little and Yummy Yucky. The baby in those books can be a very naughty baby.
-Every day before school Nash asks if I can have a Superman cape for him when he comes home. I think a boy at his school had one for costume day. But also, there's a Monster Truck called Superman and Nashy is way into monster trucks.
-I sing three songs to Nashy every night before bed. Twinkle Twinkle, You are my sunshine, and one we made up that goes, "It's dark outside sleepy silly head, close your eyes it's time for bed, have sweet dreams sleepy silly head, I love you silly sleepyhead." I used to sing Sunshine normally, but since Nash doesn't like gray skies, he asked me to sing "You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy everyday. You'll never know Nash how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." But then he asked me to change it to " make my happy when I love you, you'll never know Nash how much I love you..." but then we went back to "...everyday." Then, a few nights ago he asked me to change it to, "you make me happy when I love your projects! You'll never know Nash, how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away."
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